(Buddhist) chaplain (MDiv) at Upaya Zen Center (US)
Board certified spiritual caregiver at RING-GV and member of VGZV (NL)
Postgraduate degree in bereavement and loss counselling at Artevelde Hogeschool (BE)
Ethical referent at the Postgraduate Centre Leuven (BE)
Socially engaged buddhist training at Upaya Zen Center (US)
One-year residency - Clinical Pastoral Education - as a full-time (Buddhist) chaplain in New Orleans (US)
Second-year fellowship as a full-time (Buddhist) chaplain in New Orleans (US)
Multidisciplinary Certificate in Paediatric Palliative Care, CSU Shiley Haynes Institute for Palliative Care (US)
Essentials of Palliative Care Chaplaincy Certificate, CSU Shiley Haynes Institute for Palliative Care (US)
Certificate in Medical Ethics, NextGenU (UK)
Trajectories in psychoanalysis at UGent (BE), nursing at Vives Kortrijk (BE)
Two decades of apprenticeship with local priests and facilitators from the Amazon and Andes: Miguel Kavlin (BO), Hector Ahuanari (PE), Benjamin Mahua (PE), Apolinar Ramos (BO)
Kambo facilitator training at Katukina community (BR)
Death doula training at Inelda (US)
Ashtanga yoga teacher training with Richard Freeman and Mary Taylor (US)
Pranayama teacher training with Shri O.P. Tiwariji (IN)
Practice of several mystical movements: Sikhism (Babaji Baldev Singh (IN)), Advaita Vedanta (Vidwan Vijava Manja (IN)), Dzogchen (Namkhai Norbu (TI)), Tibetan Buddhism (Drubpon Lama Tenzin Sangpo (FR)), Zen Buddhism (multiple teachers), shamanism
Ordination to bodhisattva in the lineage of Deshimaru by abbot Taiun Jean-Pierre Faure (FR)
Ordination to bodhisattva in the Prajna Mountain Buddhist Order by Roshi Joan Halifax (USA)
Ordination to chaplain-lay priest in the Prajna Mountain Buddhist Order by Roshi Joan Halifax (USA)
Basic training as a healthcare clown with Tom Roos and Clownsense (BE)
End-of-life story writer at Amfora (BE)
Ceremony speaker training at Rebel Coach Academy (BE)
Harm reduction for entheogens training at Iceers (ES)